


Developed for little ones in need of support and minor correction. We can offer a number of accommodations to assist in gently guiding t he foot int o proper position. Backed by Children’s Outgrowth program.  Our full service lab is equipped to add a multitude of accommodations to any of our orthotics. These accommodations help provide patients with a higher level of comfort and performance.

These include but are not limited to:

Heels Stabilizer
Provides functional forefoot and rear foot control for children.

  • Type A- Severe pronation,forefoot pathology.
  • Type B- Moderate pronation and heel eversion.

Gait Plates

  • Type C OUT-toe gait -Prescribe the out-toe gait plate to promote out-toeing. It has a medial edge ext ending to the sulcus with the fourth and fifth toe areas cut out.
  • Type D In-toe gait- Use the in-toe gait plate to promote.  It has a lateral edge extended to the sulcus with the first and second toe areas cut out.

Roberts Whitman
For the severely pronated pediatric patient.

Shaffer Plate
Provides a slightly higher and wider medial flange than the Robert-Whitmans.

Design Specifications

  • Rigid Polypro shell
  • Rear foot posting: Intrinsic
  • Fore foot posting: Intrinsic
  • 1/16″ swirl or multi-color micro-cell top cover.